Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Democratic Alliance notes the results of the ANC’s leadership election in Mangaung.

While personal congratulations to the winner of an election are always in order, the re-election of Jacob Zuma as President of the ANC is not good news for South Africa. His lack of leadership on any of the major policy questions that we face will continue, as will the corruption and abuse of public resources that has so far characterised his time in office. Unemployed and poor South Africans will feel particularly let down today, as it is they who bear the real brunt of a President and government that cannot offer any implementable solutions for economic growth and job creation.
President’s Zuma’s re-election sends out the clear message to ANC members around the country that it is acceptable to use positions in government for personal enrichment, and not for public service.  It sends out the message that corruption and the abuse of public funds for personal gain is acceptable in the ANC, and that there will be no consequences for the guilty.  And it sends out the message that the ANC is the kind of party that puts powerful people above the law.  This is particularly clear globally, where it is just inconceivable that a President who has avoided, for three years, facing trial on over 700 counts of corruption, could be re-elected a Party President.
However, we should also take heart from today’s result because it will hasten the disintegration and collapse of the ANC. Many ANC members and many more ANC voters are feeling alienated by today’s decision in Mangaung. The Democratic Alliance will continue to build a real alternative government made up of all South Africans who believe as we do in the future of our country, and who share our values.
We invite all South Africans who are disappointed by the ANC’s decision today to join this movement – this new majority that is working for, and delivering, meaningful social change and job creation in South Africa.

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